Continuous Medical Education
Jinnah Sindh Medical University
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Additional Director CME
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It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all at the web page of Continuous Medical Education (CME). The department of medical education launches its official site for CME. Being an Smcian it’s an honor for me to be a part of it. Medical Science is dynamic and it is essential for doctor to become acquainted with the latest advances.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuous Medical Education(CME) are the key for doctors to meet these professional standards. PMDC has developed standard & guideline on use of CPD/CME as a mandatory requirement for the renewal of license to practice. Importance Of credit Hours and updating knowledge of doctors has been globally accepted and also been approved by all the Medical councils.

This is necessary as the modern medical science is growing leaps and bounds and the update for any medical doctor is necessary for overall societal betterment. The Doctrine of patient "deserves the best “has to be respected Our Vice chancellor Prof. Dr Syed Muhammad Tariq Rafi is strongly committed towards professional development and is personally involved at all steps.

 I cannot end my message without a note of thanks to Prof Ata Ur Rehman for his constant support and guidance. I assure you my cooperation and support, our office is responsible for planning, arranging regular Thursday CME, on line Session & workshop in on effort to be a part of continuous professional development.


Dr. Rahat Naz

Additional Director CME (JSMU)