If a group of students or individual student is interested to conduct a research study, they should follow the following procedure.

Investigator(s) pre-conditions:

  • They should be enrolled at Jinnah Sindh Medical University
  • They should be the students of at least 2nd professional year of MBBS
  • The GPA of all the investigators should be at least 3.0 or he/she has successfully completed the extra credit hours of research methodology module, going to be conducted during the semester break after the even semester.


  • The investigators’ group or individual should pick up a supervisor from JSMU or its constituent institutions.
  • The group or individual should discuss the topic of the study and feasibility with the supervisor and take his/her consent.
  • They should apply in the appropriate form for permission to conduct the study from the head of institution,
  • The approved form with the synopsis and consent form should be submitted to Research Department for Institutional Review Board approval.
  • If the study is questionnaire or retrospective patients’ record based, then the study will get ‘Fast Track’ IRB approval. Else, it will go for full IRB board approval.

  • No approval will be given to the study which has already been conducted or has already started.
  • If the supervisor is from outside JSMU or its constituent institutions, then the study will be applied for full IRB Board.
  • The students must mention the name of the supervisor as one of the authors in the publication.
  • Only those investigators whose names are approved from Principal office can be the authors of the study publication(s).