- Prof. Dr. Amjad Siraj Memon
- Vice Chancellor/ Patron, JSMU Student Council
It is my pleasure to invite you all to the official website of JSMU Student Council – the official student body of Jinnah Sindh Medical University. We firmly believe that, no institute can run smoothly and make progress, without first having an open channel between its students and the administrative authorities. I can say this with confidence, that Jinnah Sindh Medical University has always welcomed its students to come forth and discuss the issues they are facing irrespective of its nature.
I am proud to say that JSMU-SC is a representative of the students enrolled in this university and has been facilitating the interaction between the administration and the students. They have been organizing student-oriented events all round the year, where they can challenge their limits and break boundaries.
It is crucial to understand the importance of extra-curricular activities along with teaching the curricula comprehensively. Therefore, the university lays great emphasis on both the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and has always supported events that are aimed to challenge our students, both mentally and physically. We intend to condition our students in multiple dimensions by preparing them for the austere and unkind world they will be faced with after graduation. The University takes all essential measures for transforming its students into exceptional medical practitioners, physiotherapists, nurses, pharmacists, business professionals and future researchers.
I hope that the University, continue to produce quality professionals who graduate to become highly skilled at whatever they chose to do and wherever they may chose to go.
- Chairperson, JSMU Student Council
It has only been 4 years since the conceptualization of this pristine organization, yet it has made tremendous differences in the lives of students enrolled in Jinnah Sindh Medical University. I remember how a small group of young and promising students realized the dire need of a student body organization which will not only facilitate the interaction between the faculty and the students but also provide a platform for the students of Jinnah Sindh Medical University to ensure that all the students are listened to and represented in an adequate manner.
It is an honor to be given the opportunity to chair this esteemed organization and to work with these admiring students who are passionate, enthusiastic and zealous, both in words and in action. They work robustly and diligently for the cause they believe in, to make this university a better place to progress and achieve higher goals. Through this platform, the students of JSMU can develop themselves as individuals and as a community.
We want each of our students to graduate with the values of respect, cooperation, persistence and striving for excellence underpinning all that they do. Working in the council can be hectic sometimes, with back to back events and projects throughout the year but these students are highly skilled at time management and have developed the sense of responsibility for their own behavior and the choices they make. They understand the communal responsibility to assist their peers to do the same. Our students become strong in self-esteem and personal expectation and develop a healthy and respectful tolerance for others.
On behalf of the executive committee, I welcome you all to the website of JSMU Student Council in the hopes that this will benefit you in uncountable ways both in academics and non-academics.

- Moiz Ahmed
- President (2019) JSMU Student Council
As I write this message, my heart is overwhelmed with sentiments of joy and euphoria. I am extremely honored to be serving as the President of Student Council (2019-2020), Jinnah Sindh Medical University.
I cannot express my thanks to each and every member of JSMU Student Council who work diligently day in day out, putting forth excellent performance, organizing numerous back to back events which engage the student body of Jinnah Sindh Medical University in various ways. In addition, Student Council serves as a bridge between the students and administration.
I joined SC in the year of 2015 and since then, I have worked with exceptionally amazing people and have created bonds which will last a lifetime. In my opinion, all members of Student council are as equally important and all of them serve as the pillars of this organization, giving their relentless dedication and loyalty in every project we have undertaken. The students who bring their skills and interests to the Student Council, JSMU are what makes us such a vibrant community.
Our purpose as Student Council is to facilitate the interaction between the faculty and the students. Our role is to ensure that all the students are listened to and represented. Our mission is to provide the best environment we can to everyone attending the Jinnah SIndh Medical University. We strive to maintain the college’s greatness, while building upon it in areas we feel possible. Student council teaches leadership and unity to ensure every student is given the right tools to succeed after a magnificent five years at JSMU.
On this website, you can find projects that the JSMU Student Council has done in the past as well as a list of upcoming events. I invite you to reach out to any of us with any comments, questions, concerns, grievances, or even suggestions you may have to make JSMU a better place to live, learn, and lead. Thank you for stopping by, and we look forward to seeing you at our future events and projects.
Remember, you have more power to make an impact than you realize. To quote Ms. Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

- Yaseen Ahmed Khan
- President (2018-2019) JSMU Student Council
When I joined this student body organization, I was not sure if I had made the right decision. While I was second guessing myself, there were students who were working day in and day out to make this small organization into something reputable and significant. Those students were not only physically working for the betterment of this organization but also emotionally attached to the cause they believed in so firmly. It wasn’t long before, we started hitting milestones and reached heights we never expected before.
I was lucky enough to be surrounded by a team so strong in their resolve that when they took upon a task, they did not rest until the job was done. Each proposal we received, was assessed, evaluated, and judged upon several criteria by our highly skilled executive committee, before a decision was made and implemented.
I cannot express my gratitude, to my team who despite harsh and debilitating conditions stood by me at all times, helping me lead this esteemed organization into greatness. I could not have asked for a better team to work tirelessly under me, having full confidence in my capabilities as the president for the year 2018-2019.
I believe that the best is yet to come, and as we look forward to the upcoming years, I would like to remind you that the coming years are going to be magical, and those will be filled with success for those who pursue it with their hearts and happiness for all.

- Kinza Abdi
- President (2016-2018) JSMU Student Council
It is a great honor to be among the pioneers of this magnificent organization. Moreover, I am humbled that I was given the opportunity to lead this organization further into greatness and was made the president student council for the years of 2016-18. As the former president, I am delighted to see the uncountable milestones this organization has achieved since its foundation in 2015. The Student Council was built by a group of strong minded individuals, focusing on key student requirements and interests.
The purpose of JSMU-SC was to serve as the vehicle through which the student body’s collective voice can be heard, their ideals represented, and their opinions validated. Our first priority, since its foundation was student representation, and JSMU-SC’s membership fully reflects that. We have had representatives from all twelve affiliated colleges including, SMC, JMDC, LNMC, LCMD, and others. Our affiliate coordination makes sure that all institutes and colleges under JSMU are invited for a regular exchange of dialogue, new ideas, concerns, and issues. Because of this blend of different perspectives, issues concerning the student body are always handled professionally and with the best interests of our fellow peers in full consideration.
I highly advocate to all of you to make some kind of contribution to this organization, whether it be big or small. More often than not, people resign themselves to thinking progress is unattainable from the viewpoint of an individual. In spite of this, history has shown us time and time again that when people unify their collective voices, concrete reform can be made for the better. Therefore, come forth with confidence and courage, showcase your ideas and proposals and I guarantee you that you will be supported by all the existing members of the Student Council, JSMU. I wish you all the best for all your future endeavors as a part of the JSMU Student Council.

- Faisal Mehmood
- President (2015-2016) JSMU Student Council
In the summer of 2015, a group of like-minded students came together and put forth the concept of an apolitical student body that changed the course of Jinnah Sindh Medical University for the better. Here I quote, Barack Obama, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
JSMU Students Council was founded with one goal, that is to be the voice of the students of Jinnah Sindh Medical University. It was not formed to run personal political agenda but to represent the students, highlighting their issues and working in their interests. I can say this with strong resolve that JSMU Student Council is fulfilling its prime objectives in the most authentic manner possible. I have full confidence in the capabilities of the current executive committee and can vouch for them myself. I am pleased to see, that the organization has procured the trust of the students, made a reputable position among the faculty, and has earned enough respect of the administration.
To the next President and Vice-President of Student Council, you need to act as intermediaries between the student body and the administration. While students can directly speak to members of the administration about any qualms they have, the leaders of the student council have a platform and a title that grants them more access and, therefore, more power. These positions need to be filled by students who will make the most of these opportunities, and continue to push for the changes students need.
You should never let the administrative powers, which can frequently feel against you, deter you from your advocacy. Persist. Although real change requires extensive time and effort, never end the conversation with both the students and the administration. Listen to the community, and use students’ words and ideas to create realistic yet effective policies. And by the end of your time on the council, hopefully you will be able to say, “I didn’t do this for myself, I did this for them.”