- Prof. Dr. Huma Shareef
- Head of the Department
- B.Pharm (KU), Pharm. D (Condensed Program, KU), M.Phil (KU), Ph.D (KU), Post Doc London, UK, PGD Statistics (KU), R.Ph.
- HEC Approved Supervisor
- Email:
The department of Pharmacognosy has been grown into a well-established department and the strength of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPS), Jinnah Sind Medical University (JSMU). It deals with the study of natural bioactive substances obtained from terrestrial and marine plants, animals, microbes and minerals for their physical, chemical, biochemical, biological properties, and their taxonomy and ethnobiology/phrmacology. As per WHO most of the world’s population depends on natural sources of medicine. A measureless majority does not have excess to modern medicine hence there is a huge scope to develop economical drugs from locally available recourses to meet the needs of the world.
The scenario of Pakistan has always been a growing interest in medicinal plants and their active chemical constituents are utilized in the modern system of medicine (allopathy) and also in traditional system of medicine (Unani and homeopathic systems). We further project that these trained undergraduates will be equipped to bring a better promise of tomorrow in pharmaceutical as well as herbal industry (manufacturing/quality control, drug development), hospital and clinical pharmacognosy, research and formulation development. The Department of Pharmacognosy carries out research in pharmaceutical sciences focused on natural products from medicinal plants and their therapeutic activities and formulation development. Major tasks are the discovery of new biologically active compounds from natural sources and the characterization of their molecular mode of action contributing to a better understanding of the interaction of natural products and complex cellular systems. Our aim is pharmaceutical lead and target identification, the quality improvement of herbal medicinal products as well as the sustainable production of natural products by biotechnological approaches.
The mission of the department of Pharmacognosy under the IPS is endeavor to fulfill the National and International requirements by provide professionals who could work in Pharmaceutical Sciences or can be instrumental in modernizing herbal drug industry on scientific bases. Our graduates have an array of opportunities to work. Currently the Department offers to assists the undergraduates to earn a Pharm. D. degree as per PCP. Department has a 4 Ph. D qualified faculty, who are collaborative, work in interdisciplinary environment, encompassing many areas of research and will guide the young scientific investigators to earn either M.Phil. and Ph. D. degree in the field of Pharmacognosy as per HEC in Future (In Sha Allah).