• Explore funding opportunities for the establishment of CHMIC at JSMU.
  • To start collaborating for both national international linkages, particularly with renowned universities based on joint research proposals for various source of funding.
  • To hold regular scientific seminars, colloquia, symposium, capacity building workshops at JSMU to promote the culture of 4 Cs, i.e., communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking for the dissemination of scientific knowledge.
  • To prepare the ORIC Strategic plan for the next five (05) years.
  • To prepare the institutional research policy and setting up of an institutional research ethics committee.
  • To hold a cross-sectional research study to encourage innovative ideas.
  • To train young minds with various brainstorming sessions for innovation and think out of the box.
  • To explore possibilities of projects based on public-private partnerships and inspire students to give back to society while pursuing their degrees.