I.T usage policy for Employees

This IT Usage Policy applies to all employees of Jinnah Sindh Medical University (JSMU) who have access to computers and IT services for performing official duties. By using JSMU's IT resources, employees agree to comply with the following policies and guidelines:

Section 1: Computer, Email, and Internet Usage

1.1 Responsible and Productive Use:
  • Internet access is limited to job-related activities, with limited personal use..

1.2 Ownership of Internet Data:

  • All data composed, transmitted, and received through JSMU's computer systems is considered the property of JSMU.

1.3 Monitoring and Access:

  • JSMU reserves the right to monitor Internet traffic and access data transmitted through its online connections.
  • The equipment, services, and technology used to access the Internet are the property of JSMU.

1.3 Monitoring and Access:

  • JSMU reserves the right to monitor Internet traffic and access data transmitted through its online connections.
  • The equipment, services, and technology used to access the Internet are the property of JSMU.

1.4 Email Usage:

  • Official email IDs should be used exclusively for official purposes during employment at JSMU.
  • Emails sent via the university email system should not contain offensive content.

1.6 Permitted Software:

  • General users are allowed to use the following software:
  • Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat
  • EndNote
  • SPSS (Version 22 & 23)
  • Browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome)
1.7 Software Installation:
  • Users must obtain permission from the IT department before installing any software
  • Installation of operating systems or unauthorized software is prohibited.
1.8 Hardware Responsibility:
  • Opening IT-related hardware is strictly prohibited.
  • The IT department will not be responsible for any loss of software or hardware resulting from unauthorized actions.
1.9 Financial Transactions:
  • Users are prohibited from making any financial transactions or payments online through the JSMU network.

Section 2: Unacceptable Internet Use

2.1 Fraud and Piracy:
  • Using computers to perpetrate fraud or engage in software, film, or any form of piracy is strictly prohibited.
  • Installation of operating systems or unauthorized software is prohibited.
2.3 Copyright Infringement:
  • Downloading, copying, or pirating copyrighted software and electronic files is prohibited.
2.4 Confidentiality:
  • Sharing confidential material, trade secrets, or proprietary information outside the organization is strictly prohibited.
2.5 Hacking and Unauthorized Websites:
  • Hacking into unauthorized websites is prohibited.
2.6 Defamation:
  • Sending or posting defamatory information about the JSMU, its products/services, colleagues, or customers is prohibited.
2.7 Security Threats:
  • Introducing malicious software or jeopardizing the security of the organization's electronic communications systems is prohibited.
2.8 Non-Business Solicitations:
  • Sending or posting chain letters, solicitations, or advertisements unrelated to University or activities is prohibited.
2.9 Personal Views:
  • Passing off personal views as representing those of the organization is prohibited.
2.10 Illegal Activities:
  • - Using JSMU network to engage in any illegal activities as per the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance (PECO) 2016 of Pakistan is strictly prohibited.

Section 3: General Guidelines

3.1 Password Protection:
  • Users of JSMU are strongly advised to keep their issued computers password protected and refrain from disclosing their passwords to anyone.
3.2 Data Loss:
  • The IT department will not be held responsible for any data loss. However, the IT department will make best efforts to recover lost data when possible.
3.3 Applicability:
  • All terms and conditions stated in this policy apply to all users of JSMU's network and internet connection.
3.4 Administrative Rights:
  • Users will not be granted administrative rights on JSMU systems or networks.
3.5 IP Address and Computer Name:
  • Users are not permitted to change the IP address or computer name for any purpose. Any computer found that is not listed or registered with the IT department will be reported to the competent authority for necessary action.
3.6 Departmental Autonomy:
  • If a department has established its own software, network, hardware, or hosting and possesses administrative rights, the IT department will not be responsible for providing support. It will be assumed that the user department has sufficient resources (manpower or skills) to address any issues that arise.

Any user found to be in violation of these policies may be subject to disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by JSMU.

User Compliance:By using JSMU's IT resources, I acknowledge and agree to abide by this Internet Usage Policy. I further understand that any violation of this policy may result in the revocation of my access privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal measures.