Since 2012, JSMU has been on a wild and wacky journey of embracing change and trying to keep up with the latest TikTok trends. We've established so many new departments, institutes, affiliates, and programmes that it feels like we're running a small country! But fear not, our communication office is here to bring some order to the chaos.

Our office understands the power of effective communication, especially when it comes to reaching out to the health sciences community. We use all sorts of modern and ancient methods - from carrier pigeons to social media influencers - to deliver accurate and objective information. We're like the communication ninjas of the health sciences world, stealthily delivering reliable messages that make people say, "Wow, I never knew healthcare could be so entertaining!"

Our goal is to share the achievements, initiatives, and advancements of JSMU with all stakeholders, so we can foster support, understanding, and active participation in our wacky adventures. Through our communication efforts, we hope to inspire and empower individuals to join us on this rollercoaster ride of transformative impact in the field of healthcare. Just make sure to buckle up and hold on tight, because things can get pretty wild around here!

So, whether you're a fan of acrobatic PowerPoint presentations or enjoy a good juggling act of medical terms, our communication office is here to entertain, inform, and make you laugh along the way. Join us on this thrilling, laughter-filled journey as we turn the world of healthcare into the greatest show on earth!