- Dr. Syed Tafazzul Hyder Zaidi
- Incharge of the Department
- Phone No. 021-99205185 ext 1066
- Email:
We at the Department of Community Medicine are committed and dedicated to communicate and demonstrate knowledge, skills complimented with assistance to students in achieving educational excellence. Our growing research programs focus on solving community problems in which our faculty members are important contributors. The department provides medical students expertise facilitation on learning experience in community medicine focusing on under privileged population and their health needs.
Department of Community Medicine has an illustrious background and is recognized for exceptional academics, research, and community participation. In this era of transition in the healthcare system, we are taking a leadership role in developing and integrating innovative methods of healthcare care delivery as well as working to prepare the medical students to become primary health care providers for the challenges ahead in accordance with Boelen’s 7 Star Doctor Model.
This department offers a highly productive environment for research scientists, academic faculty, and trainees alike. We continue to build upon this success to steadily expand the scope of community service, training opportunities, research, and both community and global engagement. This progress will benefit not only the nearby community, but will have far reaching effects in the region, nationally, and internationally.
The primary aim of the department is to serve the interests of our people and the broader community while providing the highest standard of support to our students, faculty, staff, institutional partners, and collaborators.
We are providing a wide range of services including community health, student education, research activities, professional training and faculty development.
Our Health Program is committed to participating in educational, and research activities that have a global impact. Our research division is committed to enhancing the health of primary care populations through the discovery of new approaches to health care and has engaged in numerous projects concerning 2 practice transformation, health literacy, obesity control, health information technology, cancer prevention and health disparities..
The department has mutual support and compassionate camaraderie in all its activities.
We look forward to continued excellence as we advance the JSMU mission.