- Head of the Department
It is a pleasure to welcome you to web page of Department of Forensic Medicine. The Department of Forensic Medicine is fully equipped with latest learning resources. Forensic Medicine is a vital instrument for the detection or investigation of crime and the administration of justice, providing crucial information about the evidence found at crime scene. The validity of these results depends on the knowledge, skills and experience of Forensic Scientists working to attain them.
Forensic Medicine has a dedicated teaching faculty, the department has separate faculty Offices with internet facilities. The department conduct Classes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th year Medical students but mainly teach 3rd year (Semester V and VI). We conduct Demonstration / Tutorial classes for 3rd year Medical Students besides delivering up to date audiovisual lectures.
The Forensic Museum is a state of learning center. It is well equipped with specimens, Models of Forensic Medicine &Toxicology. It is well equipped with Multimedia, internet facility, glass slide projector.
Our main Lecture Hall which is situated on 3rd floor is Air-Conditioned and is equipped with state of art Multimedia projection system & A V system. It can accommodate 350 students.
We are not only involved in the routine academic activities but also perform the duty as Forensic Expert, Govt.of Sindh to perform postmortem examination of custodial deaths, Exhumations & member and Forensic Expert of Special Medical Board, Govt.of Sindh.
The department is also involved in delivering lectures to Sindh Judicial Academy as well as postgraduate students of Law for practical aspects of the subject.
Moreover since 1st July 2017, the department has been given full accreditation by College of Physicians & Surgeons of Pakistan for starting FCPS II in Forensic Medicine and at present we have two batches undergoing postgraduate training.
On behalf of Forensic Medicine Department. I would like to express our desire to make the University a center of excellence in the future.