- Dr. Sarwar Qureshi
- Dean & Principal Sindh Medical College (SMC)
Sindh Medical College (SMC) was constituted by Government of Sindh on 7th April 1973. In the beginning, the college was built in the building of pediatric ward of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC), Karachi, which was previously an army barrack, constructed in the year 1865. In 1959 it became part of the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC). First batch of about 200 students were admitted to first year MBBS in 1973 – 74.
It gives me great pleasure to write this letter as Dean Basic Medical Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University. Basic Medical Sciences i.e. Anatomy, Biochemistry, Community Medicine, Pathology, Physiology, Pharmacology, and Forensic Medicine are basically building blocks of medical teaching. Any deficiency in these blocks will disturb the clinical carrier of future doctors. I will definitely strengthen these blocks with the help of my faculty and students.
Our MBBS programme is community relevant, addressing the pressing needs of today and give our graduates a global perspective. The Sindh Medical College along with three nationally acclaimed hospitals provides a superb forum for training and learning. We pass on the latest knowledge to our students and train the next generation of physician, surgeons and future leaders of academic medicine.
Jinnah Sindh Medical University is a leading medical university in Pakistan, especially distinguished as a pioneer of the modular method of teaching in public sector medical universities, with several high quality publications written by its faculty. It is my great privilege to help build institute as I serve as the newly appointed dean. Fortunately, the university has an outstanding team of department heads, and staff to assist me in accomplishing our key task of providing the best possible environment for the success of our students and faculty as they pursue together in learning and discovery.
I look forward to having you join us as student, faculty, staff and supporters and as well-wishers of the University.
Dean Basic Medical Sciences
Jinnah Sindh Medical University